Working with Kris had a positive impact on my performance as a leader. He enabled me to identify and shape my key personal leadership growth areas. Thanks to his flexible and result-oriented Stakeholder Centered Coaching approach, Kris has guided and motivated me to learn and demonstrate new, positive and constructive leadership behaviors. The 360° stakeholders are key in this process. They provided regularly feedback and suggestions that helped me to become a better leader. I experienced Kris as a passionate coach, a great listener, a kind and trustworthy person easy to work with and equipped with techniques, tips and coaching skills, based on his extensive experience as senior business leader and executive & leadership coach.In short, Kris is a great and inspiring coach who has enabled me to become a better leader and I really enjoyed working with him.

J.L., CEO, COO, Advisory Board

During our Global Coach Certification Program, I experienced Kris as a very passionate and result-oriented Executive & Leadership coach. His drive and energy enable him to go, in strong collaboration with the leader he coaches, the-extra-mile to achieve coaching objectives. He is equipped with great coaching skills and finds the mix of realistic pragmatism, flexibility, empathy, uniquely inspiring, creativity and focus.Kris creates a safe, yet challenging coaching environment with a strong focus on building a trustworthy relationship with the leader, openness and honesty.Thanks to his professional experience, he has a keen insight on what companies seek in executive leadership and he clearly understands the business and leadership challenges leaders face. Combining over 15 years as business savvy leader with his coaching ability to facilitate and accelerate the leadership growth of his leaders, he helps them to unleash their potential, maximize their talent and achieve better results.Kris is just amazing and a pleasure to work with as he helps leaders to grow and I recommend him as an executive & leadership coach to any leader who wants to evolve from ‘Good to Great’.

W.L., CEO at Global Coach Group, #1 Leadership Coach (Global Gurus), #1 Coach Trainer (Thinkers50)

"Kris has coached at NN Belgium several leaders. He demonstrates professionalism and absolute discretion. He develops a very good relationship with his coachees, which leads to openness and focused discussions in each coaching session. Kris shows empathy and compassion and combined with his coaching methodology and approach, he achieves together with his coachees the desired results, both for the manager as the organization. The managers like to work with him because he gives them the freedom and openness to express their personal values, beliefs and opinions, gives them the support to reflect and discuss their personal performance and acts as a sounding board. I would definitely recommend Kris as coach for managers at all levels."

L.B., former Human Resources Director at NN


"We have used certified coaching for bringing members of our key staff to a next level in consulting and management. We are extremely satisfied with the outcome. Although sceptical in the beginning, we became believers in personal development through external coaching."

F.S., Chairman at Intersearch


"Als Directeur bij hera was ik op zoek naar iemand die me kon verder helpen in het complexe proces van leidinggeven aan een complex en internationaal team. Bij Kris vond ik de juiste ondersteuning. Zijn ervaring in het bedrijfsleven en zijn eigen ervaring met leiding geven kwamen hier uitstekend van pas. Gedurende twee jaar hebben we samengewerkt en we kunnen nu vaststellen dat het resultaat bereikt is. We hebben nu een evenwichtig team en als Directeur voel ik me sterker en krachtiger dan voordien."

M.V., Director at hera


"Kris, many thanks for the coaching sessions. As an Executive & Leadership Coach, he was able to mirror my strengths and frailties on a pragmatic, transparent and a unique inspiring way. Kris uses different coaching frameworks to support the coaching's process. He had an important role on my personal development as a leader. He was able to support my personal change process from micro-manager to a strategic influencer by using my strengths."

K.D. Manager I-ICT BCC at Infrabel


"Kris has been very important for me in taking a big step in effective leadership behavior. He is a pragmatic, considerate and dedicated coach, always balancing between being understanding and challenging, but always result-oriented and never to fluffy in his approach. I would like to advise to contact him if you are looking for an Executive & Leadership coach."

J.S., Senior Group Director at Stepstone


"Working with Kris as Executive & Leadership coach has been a great experience. His ability to help and support me discover my strengths and growth areas has helped me develop new and effective leadership behaviors. There is no discussion that Kris shows the passion to deliver leadership growth. Looking for a great coach ? Contact Kris. You won't regret it."

J.S., Associate Partner at Schelstraete Delacourt Associates


"A year ago, I had my first coaching session with Kris. Our initial analysis of my Global Leadership Assessment was rather confrontational. It clearly was the right decision for me to enter into a coaching track ! Throughout the following sessions, Kris guided me to identify and acknowledge behavioral patterns which were preventing me from becoming a better leader, and a better person. Within the Marshall Goldsmith framework, but even more so by means of Kris' probing yet reassuring coaching style, backed up by a broad toolbox of examples, models and philosophies, we got to a stage where my stakeholders were experiencing a different leader, a different person compared to early October 2019. My personal development journey is not yet done, but Kris has definitely been pivotal in this journey. I gladly and highly recommend Kris as an effective Executive and Leadership Coach. And would be happy to share my experience with anyone interested in making use of Kris' services."

R.C., Director of International Sales at Scioteq